In this paper, single side body impedance spectroscopy is performed between wrist and ankle in response to auricular transcutaneous electrical vagus stimulation, to obtain the Cole parameters R o , R ∞ and f c . Following a resting period of 5 minutes in supine position, left ear vagus nerve was stimulated for 3 minutes and BIS performed every 10 seconds, on 8 healthy subjects with age: 23,6±1,5 years, height: 175±8,3 cm; weight: 69,5±18,7 kg and BMI: 22,6±5,5 kg/cm 2 . Cole circles moved to the right (inreased R o and R ∞ ) with stimulation while the centers shifted upwards. Intracellular and extracellular resistances and the capacitance C m all increased at the onset of vagus stimulation; resulting in a decrease of 3,4±1.33% in f c . Changes in R i mainly indicate water shift between cells and extracellular fluid; physiological changes occurred on cell membrane. f c independent of the participants' anthropomorphic factors could be used as an indicator to vagus nerve stimulation, without further normalization. This preliminary study was realized with a limited number of participants; however, to reach statistically meaningful results measurements will be performed over a larger sample size.